Transgender Activist Backlash

And now this: You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use

This is the government as sovereign, threatening “civil penalties up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct” if people don’t speak the way the government tells them to speak.

How is it not obvious that this is straight out of 1984? The gov used words to reform cognitive thinking.

I would refuse to call someone “ze” or “hir” or anything other than their born gender out of PRINCIPLE against this policy.

The more you push to brainwash the public when it comes to gender, which the science still does not show what transgender activists want people to believe, the more pushback you will get. And hitting people with their pocketbooks for not adhering to a political movement’s demands is completely against everything that this country was founded on.

This is the backlash: you are the gender you were born with. You got a dick? You’re a man. You got a vagina? You’re a woman. You’ve got a mutilated penis or vagina because your genes are fucked up and don’t play well with testosterone or estrogen (intersex)? You’re whatever your genetic results are.

Everything else is neither ze nor hir.