Captain America, Steve Rogers, A Hydra Agent? Fuck Marvel

So Marvel is turning Captain America into a Nazi agent and were inspired by the current election cycle.

In the zeitgeist of the moment that we’re in, in the middle of sort of a very volatile election cycle where there’s a lot of strange things going on in the world of politics, and the world and the country, it feels kind of appropriate, kind of right timing-wise, that you could get a revelation like this and it not feel out of step with where the nation happens to be in the moment. – Tom Brevoort

Marvel does well with large moral questions, but does absolutely terribly when it tries to do current event commentary. That’s why their books which exploited 3rd wave feminist raging and anti-video gamer sentimentality ended up getting cancelled or dropping enough in sales that they had to change writers and artists.

That is clearly going to be a commentary on Trump. And comic book fans are going to be livid. Absolutely livid. Because current event commentary in comic books suck. Not because of the positions the writers will take, but because it signals and demands bad writing.

If this is the case, that Marvel is going to continue with this crap where their writers concentrate on being explicit and overt with their moralism and social commentary instead of writing good stories and creating good characters, I’m done with Marvel comics for good.

Transgender Activist Backlash

And now this: You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use

This is the government as sovereign, threatening “civil penalties up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct” if people don’t speak the way the government tells them to speak.

How is it not obvious that this is straight out of 1984? The gov used words to reform cognitive thinking.

I would refuse to call someone “ze” or “hir” or anything other than their born gender out of PRINCIPLE against this policy.

The more you push to brainwash the public when it comes to gender, which the science still does not show what transgender activists want people to believe, the more pushback you will get. And hitting people with their pocketbooks for not adhering to a political movement’s demands is completely against everything that this country was founded on.

This is the backlash: you are the gender you were born with. You got a dick? You’re a man. You got a vagina? You’re a woman. You’ve got a mutilated penis or vagina because your genes are fucked up and don’t play well with testosterone or estrogen (intersex)? You’re whatever your genetic results are.

Everything else is neither ze nor hir.

A One Sided Conversation With A Red Pilled Feminist

I’m going to seem very harsh here, but that’s because I’m a dick. Her piece is actually very good.

Are women so smothered by the blanket of victimhood that we can’t concede that men face issues too?

Yes. Women smother each other all the time. Lesbian domestic violence is among the highest per capita. But I digress…

Isn’t the hallmark of intersectionality finding victimhood everywhere?

LOL No. Intersectionalality is the interest of finding victimhood in only specific demographics which help activists empower themselves.

Feminist boosterism can make us feel empowered.

Feel good. Not empowered. It makes you feel good. You can only empower yourself and that’s done by taking action. It’s a tough thing, really: you are only empowered by powering through things, which requires “empowerment.” The trick is that the power was always there; most people just don’t perceive it.

This is good; I too love when I am told I am special and powerful. Women do indeed face many problems in society.

Not as many as women, the most privileged class by all objective measures, actually face.

However, at my women’s college in particular,  feminist ideology renders students blind to the injustices that disproportionately affect men, like homelessness, harsh prison sentencing, and gang violence.

This doesn’t just happen at colleges. It happens everywhere, including places of legislation, the White House, the Twitters, in the streets, hell, even Facebook groups filled with harpies.

Thus, colleges need to actively incorporate men’s issues into their curriculum.

Why? Men generally don’t bother trying to think of problems as systemic, largely because they aren’t. Social norms of behavior which hurt a demographic or another aren’t systems. Systems have to be especially designed with purpose. People’s behavior, while they can be affected by systems, generally are self-generating. You can build a system to affect consumer behavior, for example, but the human behavior was always the same. The conditions that the human behavior interfaces with changes. If you are averse to risk and a government policy increases the risk of an activity, your aversion to risk may reform your actions. Your behavior is unchanged. That’s why the concept of “systems of oppression” are ridiculous: people feeling they have no power (thus the need for “empowerment”) need to be reminded they have agency and blame” systems of oppression” for their perceived lack of agency and power. It’s delusional.

Men generally don’t bother fighting “systems of oppression” that oppress them because men aren’t being told that personal failures are to be blamed on something other than themselves. Society tells men they are responsible for this and that and men agree – usually because they are. If you don’t get up and move, it’s not necessarily because you’re being kept from doing so. It’s your responsibility to do it. Women, on the other hand, are being told someone else needs to do it for them. Men don’t get told that. Hence men KNOW they have agency while women need to be reminded they have it as well.

And who tells women they have no agency in the modern era? Other women do. Women activists who need money, so they create the illusion that women still have no agency despite having it.

To actively avoid talking about men’s issues is to create a citizenry deprived of important knowledge about how the world works for men and shields students from socio-economic realities. This must end.

When I started taking Women’s Studies classes 4 years ago, I was seduced by feminist ideology.

I’m so sorry.

Mentally tabulating my oppression cards became a hobby.

This is the latest craze among the blissfully ignorant youth. Go on.

Unfortunately, being steeped in feminism didn’t just make me blind to the truth about men—it made me actively resist learning about it.

Is it like an allergy? Does feminism make people testosterone intolerant? Is that why the men who get involved in feminist circles seem like walking, talking, stinking manginas?

Thankfully, while feminism taught me that women were on the losing side of everything—real life taught me that disadvantage is more nuanced than that.

Yes, the world is very complex. Gender relations are incredibly complex. So complex that you need science to understand it.

So why do we ask feminists, who are the antithesis of science, anything about gender relations at all?

Bernie Sanders Is the Oldest Child in the World

Based on this interview, it is clear Bernie Sanders has the mind of a child who is not at all serious about anything. He has good intentions, but he’s absolutely clueless as to how economies and societies in general work. He’s been reading so many communist manifestos that he hasn’t taken the time to learn the fundamentals and that magic wands do not work.

This man is demands even more economic hegemony in order to create a socialist economy, one which removes most of the incentives for people to go into business enterprises and develop the goods and technologies that have improved everyone’s life, including those in the poorest nations.

A “moral economy” is code word for a socialist economy where the benefits merit and the justifications for income and wealth attainment are set aside as inconsequential because society will not accept someone making too much money. Simply because someone out there might not feel so good that they didn’t bother getting their high school diploma, didn’t go to college, and is stuck with a minimum wage job.

Actions and decisions have consequences. Suck it up, buttercup, because the society Bernie Sanders dreams of is one which human beings, once they are living in that society, reject. They either don’t play by the rules and cheat within the system or they dismantle the system. The Nordic model is going to last only so long and it’s already beginning to show cracks despite being only a few decades old.

So, no, I won’t be voting for someone who still thinks with the cognitive capacity of a teenager. The only difference between Bernie Sanders and a conservative who has read only Atlas Shrugged is that at least the latter read a book which has at least one tip toe in the realm of reality.

The Left’s Minimum Wage Hike and Our Socialist Future

Once the left pushes a $15 minimum wage, paid leave, and other government-enforced privileges and gifts, they will demand the government simply GIVE them a wage to sit at home. Because, when you stop reading the newspapers that only tell part of the story, the fact is that job loss is part of the equation from the left.
She quotes a variety of liberal economic policy activists who are now hedging their bets. “For its advocates, the question isn’t whether minimum wage hikes will kill jobs, but rather how to help people who end up unemployed when they do,” DePillis reported. That is, “when” they become financially dependent on the federal safety net; not “if.”
“Why shouldn’t we in fact accept job loss?” asks New School economics and urban policy professor David Howell, who’s about to publish a white paper on the subject. “What’s so bad about getting rid of crappy jobs, forcing employers to upgrade, and having a serious program to compensate anyone who is in the slightest way harmed by that?”
For larger firms that can afford to simply eliminate minimum wage positions by replacing them with a touch-screen self-service station, for example, the choice becomes a no-brainer. The self-styled most compassionate among us believe that the priority should be providing those who have their position eliminated as a result of this law with government benefits as soon as possible. While their solution to the problem they created mitigates some immediate suffering, it also robs the newly jobless of their sense of agency and pride. Families deteriorate, neighborhoods follow, and social cohesion worsens.
So while people rail on Hillary Clinton nonchalantly saying that the coal miners will lose their jobs, her and Bernie Sanders are perfectly fine with millions upon millions of people losing their jobs.

Academic Hegemony and the Propaganda In Universities

They only reason it seems “facts” have a leftwing bent is because all the people discussing the issues academically are leftwing. In the social sciences, most of the discussions are among avowed Marxists who have the privilege of academic hegemony and use strong-arm tactics to limit discussion within a frame they are comfortable with. This closing of the mind affects intellectual curiosity and teaching, effectively making universities havens of propaganda instead of actual places of experimentation, discovery, and learning.

Only the economists interviewed routinely expressed the conviction that their political convictions were irrelevant to their professional advancement and to the standards of research quality. (The authors seem surprised that right-of-center economists spoke highly of Paul Krugman’s scholarship, if not his New York Times columns.) Economics is also the only field Shields and Dunn studied where professors’ partisan affiliations mirror the general public’s. Marxists are more common in the social sciences and humanities than conservatives.

The modern academy pays lip service to diversity. Yet as a “stigmatized minority,” the authors note, right-of-center professors feel pressure to hide their identities, in many cases consciously emulating gays in similarly hostile environments. “I am the equivalent of someone who was gay in Mississippi in 1950,” a prominent full professor told Shields and Dunn. He’s still hiding because he hopes for honors that depend on maintaining his colleagues’ good will. “If I came out, that would finish me,” he said.

More often, conservatives follow Rossman’s strategy, hiding their views until they’re safely tenured. “Nearly one-­third of professors in the six disciplines we investigated tended to conceal their politics prior to tenure,” write Shields and Dunn. The number rises to nearly half when you exclude economics.

The pattern has also worsened in recent decades. Among those over 65, only 7 percent hid their politics before tenure, compared to 46 percent of those under 45. Without the young economists, that number would look even more extreme.

In their op-ed, Shields and Dunn downplay the common pre-tenure deception as “a temporary hardship.” But the dishonesty corrodes the mission of the university. For instance, a political scientist at a research university told the authors that he wouldn’t assign works by Friedrich Hayek in his political economy class before he was tenured. His fears of political ostracism thereby deprived students of exposure to an influential 20th-century thinker.

Right-of-center scholars also learn not to ask research questions that might suggest the wrong political views. A historian told the authors he’d decided not to write his dissertation on the history of supply-side economics, because he feared the mere choice of the topic might reveal his deviance. So a significant movement in American political and intellectual history went unexamined.

I Disagree With Trump, but On Abortion, He’s Intellectually Consistent

So people decided to get all uppity about Trump saying women who get abortions should be punished if abortions are illegal.

Trump is an asshole and is not fit for presidency under our republic, but this righteous indignation about what he said is ludicrous.

I disagree with criminalizing drug sales and prostitution, but do we not, under the law, punish both the sellers of drugs and the consumer? Do we not punish both sex worker and John?

So why in the hell is there a disconnect among people who think abortion is murder and Trump’s stance? The issue isn’t that Trump is wrong. If you think abortion is murder and the states make that public policy decision to make it murder or make it illegal to participate in the act of having and performing an abortion, why in the holy hell is the consumer end of the criminal activity not being punished?

Trump just showed the anti-abortion demographic that they’re not really all in on being against murder of the unborn.

And this article linked above and the Republican Party commentariat completely fail at noticing that. Mostly because people would rather just feel better about themselves after another Trumpgasm.

Tracer’s Pose & Blizzard’s PR Failure

When it comes to public relations, Blizzard dun goofed.

Earlier today, Blizzard game director Jeff Kaplan responded to a single complaint about Tracer’s pose in its upcoming game, Overwatch. The developer promised the poster that Blizzard as a studio was committed to making sure no one felt “uncomfortable, under-appreciated or misrepresented” by removing the pose.

It doesn’t matter whether anyone at Blizzard and the Overwatch development team had previously decided they were going to make the change to Tracer’s pose. When it comes to public relations, the optics are all that matter and the optics provide a single narrative, which has been repeated in perpetuity throughout the Internet: Blizzard caved to a misogynist who posted in the guise of a well-intentioned person.

Let’s be clear here: the original complaint was a misogynist complaint. It wasn’t a pro-women complaint. It was purely and simply a misogynist, sexist complaint. It doesn’t matter whether the complainant was a feminist (very likely) or a fundamentalist Christian person; they are both of the same ilk: religious fundamentalists who believe the entire world must bend to their will or be forever branded a heretic.

For all the talk about modern feminists being pro-women, most modern 3rd wave feminists are sex-negative simply because one half (male) of this dimorphic species (homosapien) almost universally has the biological imperative to seek and impregnate the other half (female) and one of the behaviors exhibited by that male half gauges some of the genetic and maternal value of the female based on physical traits and characteristics. This is not simply a human behavior, it is a universal behavior among dimorphic species.

But thanks to the progress of civilization, particularly technological progress, this has become anathema to a very tiny, yet very vocal, narcissistic cohort, comprised mostly of women. Both intellectual and technological progress have provided most of the basic human needs for people living in Western societies. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, both men and women have their physiological, safety, love/belonging, and esteem needs taken care of (outside of specific circumstances that tend to plague certain demographics). Men and women can breathe, have plenty of food, water, time to sleep, can poop almost whenever they want, and have sex. Even the people in the lowest rung of sexual attraction *can* get busy once in awhile, even if it requires money. Most people feel safe from bodily harm, employment is far better than it has been historically, people aren’t as afraid of losing their property than they were historically, and we are living in a near post-scarcity society where resources are so plentiful, we may as well forget about the concept of property all together. We have more access to kinship and friendship than ever before; we can get sexual intimacy and feel a sense of belonging (even if we have to pay for it). We have built self-esteem up to the point Narcissus would cringe at the realization the last two generations are narcissistic to a point almost all of us should be locked up in a looney bin.

So now people in the West are primarily concerned with self-actualization. Morality is not inalienable from religion, but they are almost always tied together (Haidt, J. (2007) Moral psychology and the misunderstanding of religion. A deep sense of morality and a desire to solve perceived societal problems leads to an attempt at problem solving through either persuasion or coercion. The complainant of Tracer’s pose was exhibiting typical religious fundamentalist behavior we more commonly recognize as conservatively Christian traditionalism and moralism.

[R]eligiosity is an enormously important fact about our species. There must be some combination of evolutionary, developmental, neuropsychological, and anthropological theories that can explain why human religious practices take the various forms that they do, many of which are so similar across cultures and eras. I will also take it for granted that religious fundamentalists, and most of those who argue for the existence of God, illustrate the first three principles of moral psychology (intuitive primacy, post-hoc reasoning guided by utility, and a strong sense of belonging to a group bound together by shared moral commitments (Haidt).

It’s not a coincidence that the more morally intuitive half would create a new religion out of agnosticism and atheism (again, spiritual belief is not a prerequisite of religion); and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the moralist behaviors of both feminists and religious fundamentalists look so similar. If some behaviors exhibited by religious fundamentalists (e.g., all women must cover up, otherwise they are being indecent) are misogynist, then the same behaviors being exhibited by other people must, as a rule, be misogynistic. If it is immoral for a woman to display sexual behaviors (it has been argued by a minority that Tracer’s pose was sexual) and they must not do so, for whatever ultimate goal the religious fundamentalist has, then it is a rule against the woman’s civic rights to express herself and dress herself in whatever way she wishes. Tracer’s pose was argued to be improper behavior in front of the boys; as a matter of fact, it was deemed immoral. This is why the argument against Tracer’s pose was crafted as a concern about the impressionability of women and girls.

The contractual approach takes the individual as the fundamental unit of value. The fundamental problem of social life is that individuals often hurt each other, and so we create implicit social contracts and explicit laws to foster a fair, free, and safe society in which individuals can pursue their interests and develop themselves and their relationships as they choose.

Morality is about happiness and suffering (as Harris says, and as John Stuart Mill said before him), and so contractualists are endlessly trying to fine-tune laws, reinvent institutions, and extend new rights as circumstances change in order to maximize happiness and minimize suffering. To build a contractual morality, all you need are the two individualizing foundations: harm/care, and fairness/reciprocity. The other three foundations, and any religion that builds on them, run afoul of the prime directive: let people make their own choices, as long as they harm nobody else (Haidt).
Letting people make their own choices “runs afoul of the prime directive,” meaning that, ultimately, “feminism is not about choice,” as neither is religious fundamentalism about choice. Women, under this new religious fundamentalism, do not get a choice. They must conform to specific behavior which does not run afoul of any of the prime directives – one which includes demolition of The Patriarchy (the modern Original Sin). When Tracer chooses to make a sexy pose, she is running afoul of the prime directive; she is making her own choice. Blizzard aided and abetted in the removal of that choice.

Yes, it sounds silly: Blizzard put her into that pose, therefore removing that pose is not the same as removing her liberty to make that pose. She’s a piece of digital art, not a human being with her own intelligence.

Yet the fact still remains that Blizzard sent a message to women and girls: you do not have the agency to be a woman. In fact, the message was that women and girls are not allowed to be human. Sometimes human beings feel bloated and slothful, and just not all that excited about anything. And in other times (sometimes the same exact day), human beings feel differently. Nobody, unless they are catatonic, acts and behaves the same exact way all the time. This argument that the pose was not in line with Tracer’s personality is a questionable argument. Is there a woman, regardless of what her story has been, who feels and behaves the same way all the time? Are women simply automatons who act and behave just one way? Or do women, and men for that matter, sometimes feel depressed, sometimes angry, sometimes cynical, and sometimes (perhaps, once in a blue moon), flirtatious?

Blizzard sent the message that women must behave one way all the time. And cover up. It’s indecent to go around nearly bare-chested (see the garrison follower Croman). It’s disgusting that women can sometimes turn around and give the enemy they just bested a mischievous look. It’s immoral that young, teenage girls, would get the impression that they can dare pose the same way as men do. They do not have that agency, do they, PR-failures that is Blizzard?

Democratic Socialism is Worse Than Any Other

My friends keep asking why I wouldn’t vote for Bernie Sanders.

“Democratic Socialism” is a funny political philosophy. It’s only marginally different than Marxist-Leninist socialism, and it’s just a very thin margin.
Because when you get down to it, it’s still socialism. It’s the end of capitalism entirely. You will own nothing. You will own no property. It is not yours unless the government says you can use it, and then it’s still social property.

And the idea there’s a difference between Marxist-Leninist socialism and “Democratic Socialism” is ludicrous and ignorant of how governments work. There’s no “democratic” socialism, there’s just socialism. The government body will still decide what you can use and have just like in Marxist-Leninist socialism. It’s the very exact same thing.

As a matter of fact, Democratic Socialism is no different than a National Socialist system. Whether you have a national union or a general election with parties, someone above you will decide which subsidies you are afforded. This is left-wing authoritarianism and Bernie Sanders, as much a nice guy as he is, is still the same left-wing authoritarian as previous left-wing authoritarians. He just doesn’t have a desire for genocide.

People keep forgetting that we aren’t a democracy. We are a constitutional representative republic because we don’t want mob rule. Maybe we do, in many ways, but our country has prospered because we don’t practice mob rule. Democracy creates mob rule and, as a result, endangers the rights of the minority. When the minority is kept down on the ground and their rights are trampled, you’re not a free people anymore. You’re in a Marxist-Leninist socialist world, no different than a “democratic” socialist world.

In a society where we are even more connected and people on social media are already using mob rule to destroy people’s lives with unprovable allegations of rape, sexual assault, harassment, and all other kinds of transgressions, the last thing we need is government backing of that mob rule. Jesse Singal, a writer for New York magazine, recently wrote an over 10,000 word report on the lies by transgender activists that ruined a seasoned gender identity and psychology veteran’s life, and he has been mired in an embarrassingly terrifying battle for his career and sanity ever since because the “Social Justice” mob has decided his fact-filled article was transphobic. We’ve seen what the “Social Justice” mob can do; it’s led to attempted suicide, careers destroyed, people almost being imprisoned, and lives ruined. Gregory Allen almost went to prison in Canada for disagreeing with two women. Jian Ghomeshi may be facing prison for having sexual relations with women whose testimony may have been false from the beginning. Tim Hunt, a Nobel Prize winning scientist and scholar who made major discoveries in cancer research and has been working hard to get more women into the STEM fields had his entire life’s work put to question after being falsely accused of making a sexist joke. Bernie Sanders may not have a desire to bully people, but the social justice mob sure does.

Democracy is mob rule and mob rule doesn’t work. It’s disgusting and oppressive. It is the antithesis of what a society should be run as. Socialism is a disaster. It has been tried. It ended up with gulags, more deaths than Hitler managed, and a big fat no thanks from me. Democratic socialism is the worst of both worlds.

Sometimes A Sissy Boy Is Just A Sissy Boy, Not A Trans Girl

A friend responded to my previous post on Jesse Singal’s article and said, in part, “This issue primarily is an assault on genetic women and seeks to undermine the female populace.”

It’s not as simple as that. There are two primary views on gender dysphoria (apart from believing it’s simply a mental illness and people always are what they were born as biologically): that gender identity is a socially developed profile vs gender identity is an innate part of the self (you’re born this way).
The science demonstrates that gender identity IS different than biological identity. Gender identity is a purely psychological state of mind and the solid science demonstrates that it is largely formed from a combination of innate and affected (socially) factors – that is, your biology forms a part of your psyche and, depending on your life experiences (domestic environment, social interactions, etc.), it interprets social stimuli in ways that help form your identity.
So if you’re a natal boy (born with biologically male characteristics) and are psychologically inclined to like more feminine things (playing with baby dolls, playing with girls), you might feel like you’re more a “girl” than you are a boy when you look at the things your parents and other boys and girls are expecting you to be interested in. That can cause confusion and gender dysphoria may develop. You may feel that you identify as a girl because of how you feel (more attracted to playing with girls and dolls, therefore you’re a girl) and were born with the wrong body parts.
Those who argue that gender is a socially developed gender profile say that, since 3/4 of kids with gender dysphoria end up reverting back to their natal identity (that is, boys who think they’re girls end up identifying as boys in the end), depending on the specifics of the clinical case, the most likely treatment is to either A) ween the kid off of the gender identifying triggers that cause their dysphoria in order to limit the dysphoria or, B) take a sit-and-wait approach for those who aren’t that strongly affected by gender identifying and confusing triggers until they “desist,” or their gender dysphoria resolves itself. In cases where the kid has already “come out” socially and have begun transitioning socially toward that trans gender, different courses of action are necessary to either help them transition toward their gender identity or socially transition back if they are likely to desist.
Those who argue that gender identity is an innate part of the self (this is what gender activists argue) and is unchangeable and only deniable, say that the main course of action is to encourage the kid to “come out” socially, including self-identifying as that gender, dressing up as that gender, and actively working toward making their new gender an all-encompassing part of their life. This is where you see 6, 8 , 12 year old kids being dressed up as the opposite gender, including extravagantly painted nails and makeup in excess and being encouraged by their parents to come out socially in a big way even in social media.
When you see examples of these, it’s not simply that parents are trying to use their kids for attention (though there is that possibility), it’s that there’s a growing trend within gender dysphoria clinical therapy to reinforce the gender dysphoria instead of trying to wean the child off of their gender confusion. They deny the solid statistical evidence that 3/4 of gender dysphoric kids end up desisting, arguing that it’s cherry picked data (when the evidence is varied and resolutely against them).
Those of the former view, that gender is a socially developed identity profile and kids with gender dysphoria should not necessarily be encouraged to become trans, believe that socially coming out and outwardly expressing their dysphoric identity will end up generating a reinforcing cycle because:

When kids socially transition, she explained, their parents not only become their champions to teachers and other parents, but also often start engaging in trans advocacy that comes to define them in important ways. If the child starts to sense that their dysphoria is desisting, they’re faced with either sticking with a gender identity that no longer feels like it fits or telling their parents, as the clinician put it, “This whole life that you’ve created for yourself as an advocate, I don’t want to be part of that anymore.” There’s also, of course, the fact that schools and family members are part of the process too, so de-transitioning requires notifying them as well. In this view, a too-early transition really might limit a child’s future options because of the social or familial costs of transitioning back. And eventually, as a kid gets older, the prospect of nontrivial medical procedures to help them physically transition enters the picture.

I don’t really entertain the idea that there is no such thing as trans. It does exist, but it’s not a biological thing like activists want to argue, nor is gender a “socially constructed” concept as they argue (which is contradictory, by the way). Sex and gender may be different things, but they are very much tied and, in the end, most people who are trans and end up regretting their choice to transition (and sadly, often kill themselves) are victims of not undergoing the right treatment at a young enough age to properly find a comfortable gender identity.
And as for “this issue primarily is an assault on genetic women and seeks to undermine the female populous,” consider that the transgender activists are trying to encourage men to transition to becoming women, not the other way around. You might be able to argue that it’s an assault on natal women who identify as women, but it’s mostly an assault on natal boys and men who simply don’t fit the behavioral characteristics boys and men demonstrate. Sometimes a sissy boy is just a sissy boy, not a trans girl.